Tag - climate-change



Sep 9, 2013
Could man-made clouds help lower the planet's temperature?
With the planet warming inexorably, some experts are wondering whether the time may have come to deliberately attempt 'solar radiation management.
Japan Times
Sep 6, 2013
Pacific islands fighting for survival as sea levels rise
Pacific islanders challenged world leaders this week to act on climate change, warning that their low-lying atolls are close to becoming uninhabitable because of rising seas and increasingly severe floods, droughts and storm surges.
Aug 27, 2013
Polar bear's death is a warning
Does the death of a single polar bear, which starved on the Arctic tundra, carry a warning for all human beings
Aug 23, 2013
Science and politics make for a poisonous mix
Why would a psychology professor believe that science is under attack for its arrogance, vulgarity and narrow vision — from intellectuals and anti-intellectuals alike
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2013
Effects will become more obvious as Japan's climate changes
Residents of Japan's big cities, and of Tokyo in particular, are well aware of the heat-island effect — especially now with the onset of summer.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2013
Global threat to food supply as water wells dry up
Wells are drying up and underwater tables falling so fast in the Middle East and parts of India, China and the United States that food supplies are seriously threatened, one of the world's leading resource analysts warned on July 7.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2013
Size, intensity of wildfires in U.S. increasing
Volatile weather patterns marked by shortened winters, stifling heat waves and prolonged droughts. New housing developments encroaching on fire-prone lands. Shrinking budgets for fire prevention measures.
Jul 3, 2013
U.S. makes key climate moves, but more needed
President Barack Obama's executive actions to cut carbon pollution in the U.S. have injected a new sense of hope in the global fight against climate change.
Mar 16, 2013
Beware the hockey stick
Findings from a new study suggest that average temperatures on Earth are likely to surpass levels not seen since the beginning of the last ice age.
Reader Mail
Feb 7, 2008
Global warming, local dawdling
At 1:15 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 26, I was about to retire when I ran across a program on Channel 10 devoted to global warming. Styled a "debate," it featured several of Japan's leading authorities on both sides of the issue, but by the time I headed for bed at 2:30 a.m., the discussion had progressed no...
Oct 18, 2001
Japan moves to compete on greener side of the street
Gone are the days when Japanese businesses felt a healthy environment was a concept that could only be achieved at the expense of economic growth.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?