Tag - chimpanzees



A group of chimpanzees listen to other chimpanzees heard at a distance in the West African forests of Cote d'Ivoire, studied as part of research by the Tai Chimpanzee Project, in this undated handout photograph.
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 3, 2023
Scientists observe chimpanzees using human-like warfare tactic
The study, the researchers said, records for the first time the tactical use of elevated terrain by our species' closest living relatives.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Sep 5, 2019
Team including Kyoto University researchers succeeds in recognizing chimpanzee faces using AI
Researchers from Kyoto University and the University of Oxford said they have succeeded in recognizing the faces of wild chimpanzees with an accuracy of over 90 percent using artificial intelligence.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2019
There's so much that bonobos and chimps can teach humans
About 6 million years ago in Africa there was an ape species that would change the world. We don't know much about that animal, but we do know that one population separated from the rest and would eventually evolve into our species, Homo sapiens.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2019
Interpreter for Oita marathon closes blog after calling African athletes 'chimpanzees' in post
A woman in her 50s who served as a volunteer interpreter at a marathon in Oita Prefecture has apologized for an online blog post in which she referred to African marathoners under her care as "chimpanzees."
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 11, 2017
Chimpanzees trained to master rock, paper, scissors by Kyoto University researchers
Chimpanzees can learn the rules of the rock, paper, scissors game through training, matching the intellectual ability of children 4 years old or older, researchers at Kyoto University have found.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2016
Do chimp rituals reveal roots of religion?
How did gods evolve? I can't promise to answer a question of such gravity this week, but I can perhaps raise some interesting ideas.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 8, 2016
Congolese boy, 8, who lost lips in deadly chimp attack to get rare reconstruction surgeries in New York
An 8-year-old boy whose lips were torn off during an attack by chimpanzees as he played near a river in his native Democratic Republic of Congo will undergo a rare double-lip reconstruction at a New York hospital next week.
Japan Times
Nov 10, 2015
In first, Japanese researchers observe chimp mother and sister caring for disabled infant
A Japanese study of a chimpanzee mother caring for her disabled infant in the wild has shed light on how humans developed their social behavior.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 28, 2013
Throwing may have given humans edge over chimps
In most respects, chimpanzees are physically superior to humans. Pound for pound, they are perhaps four times stronger. They are faster. They can run straight up a tree, climb and swing with an agility that is the envy of an Olympic gymnast.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly