Tag - children



WORLD / Society
Mar 28, 2013
Effects of same-sex parenting debated
Amid the legal arguments at Tuesday's Supreme Court hearing on same-sex marriage, there loomed a social science question: How well do children turn out when they are raised by gay parents?
WORLD / Society
Mar 22, 2013
Marriages tested by sleepless nights with baby
As any parents of a young child who is a problem sleeper will confirm, permanent tiredness and constant irritability can put a huge strain on your relationship.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2013
Fabric artist clothes Tokyo's expat thespians with creativity and magic
Today's younger generation may be more used to getting their entertainment from the Internet or other high-tech sources than from the stage, but nothing can perhaps replace the magic of a live theater performance.
Japan Times
Mar 12, 2013
Orphans need special trauma care
Hundreds orphaned by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami remain vulnerable two years later because of insufficient government support.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Mar 9, 2013
'Kony2012' and the fight for truth in the Internet age
A year ago, Jason Russell was a nobody. Not a nobody, precisely, but just ordinary. Normal. He was a healthy father of two, living in San Diego, and was happy in his work as a director for Invisible Children, a nonprofit organization he'd helped found.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Mar 6, 2013
Babies at the cinema need not be a recipe for disaster
Kiko Blossom is sitting in a red velvet cinema seat next to a handsome young man. A box of popcorn lies between them and their eyes widen in anticipation as the opening credits of the latest James Bond movie begin to roll.
Feb 28, 2013
Assemblyman's rebuke of moms seeking day care draws outrage
Mothers should remember that the responsibility of raising children lies first with each household before making "shameless" demands for more nursery schools, a Suginami Ward Assembly member wrote Feb. 21 in his blog, drawing hundreds of angry comments.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2013
“Mr. Children 2005-2010
My Japan Times colleague Ian Martin nailed the state of Japanese pop music when he wrote that it was "clinging on to the hoary old remains of the past." The Oricon Chart's top albums of 2012 list was dominated by "Best Of" compilations, with the top two spots going to a pair released by rock band Mr....
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2013
Kids' role in U.S. gun debate disputed
The move by the White House on Wednesday to feature four children at President Barack Obama's gun-control news conference set into motion a new debate over the role of young people on the political stage.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Art / Japan Pulse
Oct 9, 2012
Today's J-blip: nezo art
Do Japanese babies dream of exotic art?
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Aug 1, 2012
Housewives go DIY in attack on insects
Japanese women are turning to essential oils instead of chemicals for insect repellent.
Japan Times
Nov 8, 2011
'My children are my everything — the reason I'm alive'
On Bruce Gherbetti's right forearm, the names of his three lost children are permanently inscribed in a swirling script of dark blue tattoo ink.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Feb 22, 2010
A new generation of cosplayers
Cosplay ... fun for the whole family! Even the little ones! Baby henshin!


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties