Tag - chickens



The production line at Tanmiah Food’s chicken processing plant in Shaqra, Saudi Arabia
Jan 26, 2025
Chickens hatch across the Saudi desert in kingdom’s pivot from oil
The kingdom imports about 80% of what it eats, triggering worries about shortages in a time of rising geopolitical tensions.
Officials with the agriculture ministry hold a news conference in Nagoya on Friday following an outbreak of avian influenza in Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture, earlier this month.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jan 20, 2025
More bird flu cases found in Japan; 1.44 million birds to be culled
A total of about 1.44 million birds at the seven farms and related facilities will be destroyed.
Agriculture minister Taku Eto speaks during a meeting on measures against bird flu at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Tokyo on Tuesday.
Jan 15, 2025
Bird flu cases surge as new year begins
So far in January, as many as 13 bird flu cases have been confirmed at chicken farms across the country.
On Sunday, authorities in Iwate Prefecture began culling some 50,000 chickens Sunday after an outbreak of bird flu.
Jan 5, 2025
Bird flu outbreaks strike Iwate Prefecture farms
It is the 19th bird flu outbreak of the season in Japan, the agriculture ministry said.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Nov 25, 2023
Japan confirms season's first bird flu case in Saga
The Saga Prefectural Government has started to cull around 40,000 chickens raised at a farm in the city of Kashima.
JAPAN / Explainer
Mar 19, 2023
Japan on high alert as avian flu rages across the country and heads north
Amid egg shortages and soaring prices, how worried should people be about the potential impacts of bird flu on human health?
Japan Times
Feb 16, 2023
Bird flu spreads to new countries, threatening nonstop 'war' on poultry
Experts and farmers on four continents said the prevalence of the virus in the wild signals that record outbreaks will not abate soon.
Jan 3, 2023
Number of bird flu outbreaks in Japan this season reach record 54
The total number of bird cullings due to this season's outbreaks is expected to reach around 7.75 million.
Dec 15, 2022
Record 1.37 million chickens to be culled at bird flu-hit Aomori farm
The Aomori Prefectural Government has started to cull all of some 1.37 million chickens raised at a poultry farm in the city of Misawa.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Dec 9, 2020
Japan to order nationwide disinfection against bird flu outbreak
Bird flu has been detected at six regional prefectures since last month in Japan's worst outbreak in more than four years.
Dec 9, 2020
Former agricultural minister’s graft scandal sparks conversation about animal welfare in Japan
Allegations of bribery illustrate the lengths to which the poultry industry went to preserve its decades-old, yet globally criticized practice of confining egg-laying hens in small cages.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2020
Piglets aborted and chickens gassed as pandemic slams meat sector
Farmers say they have no choice but to cull livestock as they run short on space to house their animals or money to feed them.
Apr 27, 2019
It will never fly
'Can chickens fly?'


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly