Tag - chiba



Japan Times
Jun 15, 2022
No more silent lunches? Some Japan schools ease COVID restrictions
With coronavirus infections dropping, some municipalities are lifting restrictions to let students socialize during the midday meal.
Japan Times
May 21, 2022
Electric farms in Japan are using solar power to grow profits and crops
In many respects, Takeshi Magami's farm is like any other in Japan. But one major difference sets it apart from its neighbors: the 2,826 solar panels perched above the crops.
Japan Times
May 13, 2022
Heavy rain forecast across much of Japan, including Tokyo
Some places in the capital region may experience torrential rain of up to 30 to 50 millimeters per hour, which could result in flooded roads.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2022
X Games soar in Japan debut as action sports fans flock to Chiba
Tens of thousands of fans turned up as the X Games, known for igniting the mainstream popularity of action sports, took place in Japan for the first time over the weekend.
Japan Times
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Apr 23, 2022
Are there limits to pitching perfection? Roki Sasaki will find out.
After 17 perfect innings, the baseball world is eagerly anticipating the next start by the Marines' phenom.
Japan Times
Apr 19, 2022
In praise of sporting perfection in baseball — and then some
Roki Sasaki's April 10 showing earned him a place in the history books. But even more astounding is this: In his very next start, he threw another eight perfect innings
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2022
Japan must find better ways to nurture its future superstars
Japanese baseball star Roki Sasaki threw a perfect game, but the old ways of doing things could have ruined him before he started.
Japan Times
Mar 31, 2022
Magnitude 4.7 earthquake jolts northwestern Chiba Prefecture
Please check for detailed information and links for the latest information.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?