Tag - celebrity



Japan Times
Jun 27, 2021
Cruise from Florida offers test for industry after 15 months
A Celebrity Cruises ship was poised to leave the coast of Florida on Saturday, becoming the first revenue-earning cruise to depart from the U.S. after a pandemic-induced hiatus.
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Nov 11, 2018
Michael Jackson's 'Bad' tour leather jacket sells for $298,000 at auction, three times asking price
Michael Jackson's iconic black "Bad" jacket, which he wore on his first solo tour, sold for $298,000 late Saturday, about three times its original asking price, at a New York auction which featured items from music legends Prince, Madonna, John Lennon and others, officials announced.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2017
There's no business like a star's personal business
If you've got a Twitter account in Japan, you've probably seen the promoted tweets for Netflix featuring comedian Sanma Akashiya. In these video spots, Sanma compares working for a streaming service to working for a commercial broadcaster, but doesn't mention the context for his remarks.
CULTURE / Film / Wide Angle
Jun 15, 2017
A scorched-earth fix to a celebrity scandal
Scandals can send a celebrity's career careening off a cliff. This is especially true in Japan, where minor violations of the social code can lead to major personal repercussions.
BUSINESS / Companies
Jan 19, 2017
Kawasaki's ties to 'Apprentice' uncertain after firm issues contradictory statements
Motor company Kawasaki's sponsorship of "The New Celebrity Apprentice" was cast into uncertainty on Wednesday as the firm issued contradictory statements about its ties to the show over the continued involvement of President-elect Donald Trump.
Jan 23, 2016
SMAP dodges bullet; Becky isn't so lucky
When media leaked intelligence on Jan. 10 that eternal boy band SMAP might be dissolving, the outpouring of fan emotion overwhelmed anything else that was happening in the show business world. One person who was probably grateful for the distraction was Rebecca Eri Ray Vaughan, the TV personality better...
Jan 24, 2015
Mika Mifune gets ready for some serious 'me' time
Historian Daniel J. Boorstin once defined a celebrity as someone who is "known for his well-knownness" — a person famous for being famous. Though many celebrities have talent and other attributes that draw attention, it is easier to gain notoriety passively by being related to someone who already has...
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Oct 3, 2014
Google threatened with lawsuit over leaked nude celebrity photos: New York Post
A lawyer who represents about a dozen female celebrities whose private photos were posted online by hackers has threatened to sue Google Inc for failing to take the photos off its websites, according to the New York Post.
Feb 3, 2013
Celebrity bloggers not required to disclose paid endorsements
In December several celebrities were forced to apologize publicly for stating on their personal blogs that they had "won" items on so-called penny auction websites when, in fact, they hadn't.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly