Tag - cars



BUSINESS / Companies
May 24, 2018
A Sony Car? New CEO says he has always wanted to work on moving objects
Sony Corp.'s new chief executive officer is interested in taking the electronics maker in an entirely new direction: objects that move.
Japan Times
May 1, 2018
Volkswagen in talks to manage Didi fleet, codevelop self-driving cars
Volkswagen AG, the world's biggest automaker, is in talks to form a joint venture with China's Didi Chuxing to manage part of the ride-hailing company's fleet of cars and help develop "purpose-built" vehicles for Didi's services.
Apr 28, 2018
Safety and self-driving vehicles
The introduction of autonomous vehicles must be based on a broad social consensus that they are a safe and convenient means of transport.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2018
Yamato and DeNA test autonomous delivery system in Japan
On Tuesday, Yamato Transport Co. and DeNA Co. tested an autonomous vehicle delivery service to gauge the potential of self-driving technology in the field of logistics.
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 6, 2018
Nissan eyes bigger share of East Africa market with vehicle plant in Kenya
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. plans to start assembling vehicles in Kenya, bolstering government plans to develop a regional auto-manufacturing hub in East Africa's biggest economy.
Mar 24, 2018
Losing control with Uber and Facebook
We're learning that this technological age, which seemed to start with the pretty innocuous act of emailing, has evolved to play into our more primal fears about feeling out of control.
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2018
Ask voters if they want more driverless cars
The ugly optics of the Uber self-driving car accident in Tempe highlight bigger ethical problems with the technology.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2018
Toyota halts robot-car tests in wake of crash in Arizona
Toyota Motor Corp. halted tests of its "Chauffeur" autonomous driving system on U.S. public roads after an Uber Technologies Inc. vehicle operating in autonomous mode under the supervision of a human safety driver struck and killed a woman in Tempe, Arizona, on Sunday evening.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Mar 19, 2018
METI kicks off studies on putting flying cars into practical use
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has launched a series of studies into putting flying cars into practical use.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2018
Driverless drift: Robotics firms are developing virtual 'Fast and Furious'-style sims to boost safety
Self-driving cars will rarely have to deal with a pack of drivers who think they are in a "Fast and Furious" movie, but training them to do so might just be what it takes to reach true autonomy.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2018
Trump's 'joke' about Japanese car inspections dropping bowling balls leaves Tokyo perplexed
The jokey twist on an internationally accepted collision test aimed at protecting pedestrians rather than trade leaves Tokyo more puzzled than amused.
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 15, 2018
Nissan taps top exec to fortify push into top growth market China
Nissan Motor Co. is doubling down on its push in China, naming one of its top executives to head operations in a market the carmaker expects to be its biggest growth driver over the next five years.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?