Tag - bluefin-tuna



Japan Times
Jul 20, 2019
Japan to propose larger quotas for Pacific bluefin tuna
Japan plans to propose an expansion of catch quotas for bluefin tuna in the Pacific Ocean at an international meeting in the United States in September, informed sources have said.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2019
Bluefin tuna catches off Japan sluggish as fishers curb operations due to stricter overfishing rules
Bluefin tuna catches in coastal waters off Japan have been sluggish so far in the current fishing season that runs from July 2018 to March this year.
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2018
Japan proposes 15% hike in bluefin catch quotas
Sushi-hungry Japan hopes the other nine members of an international fisheries panel will agree that bluefin tuna stocks are recovering quickly enough to withstand its proposal.
Jul 9, 2016
Protecting Pacific bluefin tuna
The Fisheries Agency should rethink its policy on allowing fishermen to catch large quantities of mature Pacific bluefin tuna.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2016
Once considered low class, how did tuna get so valuable?
Fresh, raw tuna reigns supreme in the culinary world these days, especially when it comes to sushi and sashimi. Bluefin tuna, known in Japan as hon-maguro or "true tuna," is so popular that global stocks are dangerously low due to overfishing. But tuna didn't always reign supreme: until the modern era...
Japan Times
Jan 30, 2016
All at sea: Lack of regulations hurting tuna stocks
Adorning the walls of Kanji Nishi's three-roomed apartment are a dozen framed photos. None features his children, Shota and Chisato, who are sitting cross-legged on the floor shunning smartphones for origami artistry. Instead, Nishi is seen posing alongside a different kind of pride and joy.
Jan 10, 2015
Sushi apocalypse feared for wild species
Let's hope that farm-raised tuna becomes commercially viable and that conservation efforts allow stocks to replenish. If not, there's the risk that the last wild bluefin tuna will be caught.
Sep 6, 2014
Tuna catch limit, too little too late?
Japan's Fisheries Agency plans to call for a reduction in the annual catch of immature Pacific Bluefin tuna. The proposal is welcome, but it may be too little, too late.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
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