Tag - ben-carson



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 7, 2017
Carson in first speech to HUD draws flak after calling slaves 'immigrants'
Ben Carson, the new secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), on Monday referred to slaves brought to the United States against their will as "immigrants," drawing quick condemnation from civil rights groups who cast his remarks as offensive.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 8, 2015
Republican Cruz cruises to lead in Iowa polls as Carson support slides amid missteps
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has taken the lead in the early-voting state of Iowa, surpassing both Donald Trump, who holds the lead in most national surveys, and Ben Carson, who has scored strongly in the state in recent months, according to a Monmouth University poll released on Monday....
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 23, 2015
Fearing Syrian terrorist 'Trojan horse' among refugees, Trump OK with return to waterboarding
Donald Trump, the leading Republican contender for U.S. president, says he would return to strong interrogation techniques such as waterboarding if he were elected because their severity pales against Islamic State practices.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 19, 2015
Bush joins GOP rivals Carson, Graham in calling for ground troops against Islamic State
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush elaborated Wednesday on his proposal to put a limited number of U.S. ground troops in combat against the Islamic State.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 7, 2015
Ben Carson's recollections of West Point, youth come under question
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's recollection of being offered a scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point was questioned on Friday, potentially damaging the credibility of the 64-year-old retired neurosurgeon.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 2, 2015
Bush says rival Rubio no longer trying to break Washiington gridlock
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush pressed his attack on rival Marco Rubio's record of missed Senate votes, saying it showed Rubio had "given up" on breaking through the political gridlock in Washington.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 29, 2015
Trailing, Trump gets testy as candidates wade into GOP debate
Republican outsider front-runners Ben Carson and Donald Trump came under fire at the outset of the party's third presidential debate Wednesday night, as the moderators and some of their opponents pushed for details of their tax and budget proposals and raised questions about their inexperience in government....
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2015
U.S. presidential race stokes fears of new wave of Islamophobia
Muslim Americans responded with a mix of frustration, exasperation and anger to what many see as a growing wave of Islamophobia fueled by two of the Republican Party's most popular presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 17, 2015
Distant No. 3 Bush tries to dump Trump's 'low-energy' tag heading into Republican debate
Once considered a heavy favorite for the Republican nomination, Jeb Bush will try to energize his presidential campaign on Wednesday when he goes into a prime-time debate where Donald Trump looms large.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 14, 2015
Billionaire Trump calls high CEO pay a joke, 'disgraceful'
U.S. Republican party presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday high salaries paid to chief executives were a "joke" and a "disgrace" and said these were often approved by company boards stacked with the CEO's friends.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 4, 2015
Retired surgeon Carson says he'll seek Republican presidential nod; Florina, Huckabee set to follow suit
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson told a Florida television station on Sunday that he is running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.


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