Tag - asteroids



An H2A rocket carrying the Hayabusa2 asteroid probe is launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture on Dec. 3, 2014.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Dec 3, 2024
Hayabusa2 continues its journey, 10 years after launch
The unmanned asteroid probe was launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture on Dec. 3, 2014.
An artist's impression of a large asteroid impacting at Chicxulub on the Mexican coastline, which caused the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, 66 million years ago, with the planet Mars and asteroid bodies in the background.
WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 16, 2024
Asteroid that doomed the dinosaurs originated beyond Jupiter
After migrating inward to become part of the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroid was somehow sent hurtling in the direction of Earth.
A mosaic image of asteroid Bennu, composed of 12 PolyCam images collected by the Osiris-Rex spacecraft from a range of 24 kilometers
Dec 6, 2023
NASA asteroid sample being analyzed in Japan
The team is also analyzing a sample from asteroid Ryugu brought by the Hayabusa2 explorer of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
Asteroid mining only works in a science-fiction world where metals are thousands of times more expensive than they are today.
Oct 25, 2023
Commercial asteroid mining has a astronomical cost issue
Asteroid mining only works in a science-fiction world where metals are thousands of times more expensive than they are today.
A view of the outside of the OSIRIS-REx sample collector, with sample material from the asteroid Bennu seen on the middle right at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, in a recent undated photograph.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 12, 2023
NASA unveils newly returned carbon-rich asteroid sample
A small quantity of the material collected by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu was unveiled at NASA's Johnson Space Center.
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 25, 2023
Touchdown: Highly anticipated asteroid sample arrives on Earth
It is only the third asteroid sample, and by far the biggest, ever returned to Earth for analysis, following two missions by Japan's space agency.
A mosaic image of the asteroid Bennu, composed of 12 PolyCam images collected in December 2018 by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from a range of 24 kilometers
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 24, 2023
NASA readies for dramatic return of asteroid sample to Earth
Scientists hope the sample will provide a better understanding of the origin of the solar system and how the Earth became habitable.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Apr 30, 2023
JAXA weighs new mission using Hayabusa and Hayabusa2 tech
JAXA aims to launch the probe in the mid-2030s and achieve a sample return in the mid-2040s.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Mar 22, 2023
Ryugu asteroid samples suggest ingredients for life came from space
Two organic compounds essential for living organisms have been found in samples retrieved by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Hayabusa2 spacecraft.
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2023
'No need to worry': Odds drop newly found asteroid will hit Earth
The chances have plummeted that a newly discovered asteroid with the potential to wipe out a city will hit Earth on Valentine's Day 2046, the European Space Agency said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jan 27, 2023
Newly discovered asteroid passes close to Earth
The asteroid did not hit Earth but was one of the closest approaches ever by such an object, hurtling past Earth at about 3,500 kilometers above its surface.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 24, 2023
How three dust specks reveal an asteroid's secrets
The minute particles show some space rocks are vastly older than was thought, and are much tougher — which could mean we need bolder ways to prevent catastrophic collisions with Earth.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Dec 20, 2022
JAXA finds surface of asteroid Ryugu dehydrated from 'space weathering'
Smooth layers caused by solar wind irradiation and frothy layers produced as a result of micrometeoroid impacts were seen in asteroid specimens.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 27, 2022
NASA craft rams distant asteroid in test of Earth defense
NASA launched its DART spacecraft in November 2021 with the express purpose of colliding with an asteroid about the size of a football stadium at 14,000 miles per hour.
Sep 23, 2022
Water in asteroid dust collected by Japan's space agency offers clues to life on Earth
The discovery offers new support for the theory that life on Earth was seeded from outer space.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Fukushima
Jul 11, 2022
Japanese research team develops app to help public discover new asteroids
The project team hopes people will help scour more than 700,000 images to find space objects that could collide with the Earth.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2021
NASA says an asteroid will have a close brush with Earth. But not until the 2100s.
The trajectory of Bennu is known precisely enough that the chances of collision are exactly zero for the next century. But the crystal ball becomes fuzzier in 2135.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly