Tag - asahi



JAPAN / History
Oct 16, 2014
Government requests revision of 1996 U.N. sex slave report
The Abe administration asks the author of a U.N. report that accused Japan of wartime military sexual slavery to amend the 1996 document.
Oct 9, 2014
The dangers of intolerance
Two universities in Japan have received letter threats that nail-laden bombs will go off on their campuses if they don't dismiss two instructors who formerly reported on the 'comfort women' controversy for the Asahi Shimbun.
Oct 6, 2014
Group defends ex-Asahi academic, saying university must resist anonymous calls to fire him
A group of 444 lawyers, scholars, journalists and concerned members of the public calls on a university to stand up to anonymous threats that seek the dismissal of one of its lecturers.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 6, 2014
Abe tells Asahi Shimbun to help in 'recovering Japan's honor'
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe accused the Asahi Shimbun on Monday of tarnishing Japan's image abroad with its erroneous articles on the "comfort women" issue, urging the newspaper to make efforts to restore Japan's damaged reputation.
Sep 29, 2014
Is the Asahi a scapegoat of nationalist media or victim of own missteps?
One of the nation's leading newspapers has been in crisis mode of late — a situation that may bode ill for liberal journalism at a time when nationalism appears to be making public inroads.
Sep 27, 2014
Hyperbole over Asahi affair tarnishes brand Japan
The Asahi Shimbun has been apologetic of late after it confessed to journalistic wrongdoing in several articles.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2014
McCarthyism, Japan-style
The inordinate attacks by right-wing media and politicians on the Asahi Shimbun after the newspaper retracted and apologized for past reporting errors on two controversial topics does not bode well for the spirit of future press inquiry in Japan.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2014
Asahi Shimbun struggles with credibility amid retractions
Self-inflicted wounds to the 135-year-old liberal media flagship may create a tailwind for conservatives who want to recast Japan's wartime past in a less apologetic tone.
Sep 12, 2014
Daily Asahi Shimbun retracts faulty Fukushima story, sacks top editor
The Asahi Shimbun on Friday carried front page articles and an apology concerning an erroneous article that alleged workers fled the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant during the meltdown crisis in March 2011, retracting the scoop story that drew strong criticism from the public, lawmakers and government...
JAPAN / Media
Sep 4, 2014
In reversal, Asahi runs but censors critical ads
The Asahi Shimbun censors advertisements for the weekly magazines Shukan Bunshun and Shukan Shincho that were critical of the major newspaper.
Japan Times
Aug 30, 2014
Asahi rivals pile on over sex slaves retraction
It has been almost a month since the Asahi Shimbun printed a long, two-part retraction of its reporting in the 1980s and '90s on the "forced mobilization" of so-called comfort women during World War II based on the published confessions of a man named Seiji Yoshida.
Japan Times
Aug 30, 2014
Silver Star storm past Blues after slow start
The Asahi Beer Club Silver Star overcame a sluggish start and scored 34 unanswered points to defeat the Bulls 34-14 on Saturday at Kawasaki Fujimi Stadium in an X League Central Division game.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 5, 2014
Asahi Shimbun admits errors in past 'comfort women' stories
The Asahi Shimbun admits to serious errors in many articles on the 'comfort women' issue, retracting all stories going back decades that quoted a Japanese man who claimed he kidnapped about 200 Korean women and forced them to work at wartime Japanese military brothels.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties