Tag - armed-conflicts



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 21, 2014
Syria warns United Nations: Aid delivery without consent is an attack
Syria's government warned the U.N. Security Council that delivering humanitarian aid across its borders into rebel-held areas without its consent would amount to an attack, suggesting it would have the right to retaliate against convoys.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2014
China sends four more oil rigs to South China Sea
China has sent four more oil rigs into the South China Sea in a sign that Beijing is stepping up its exploration for oil and gas in the tense region, less than two months after it positioned a giant drilling platform in waters claimed by Vietnam.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2014
Obama sends U.S. military advisers to Iraq as battle rages over refinery
President Barack Obama said on Thursday he was sending up to 300 U.S. military advisers to Iraq but stressed the need for a political solution to the Iraqi crisis as government forces battled Sunni rebels for control of the country's biggest refinery.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2014
Gun battle flares as Israeli soldiers seek missing teens
Israeli forces traded gunfire with Palestinians on Thursday, the military said, in the fiercest street battles in the occupied West Bank since the search began for three Israeli teenagers missing for a week.
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2014
Spike in conflicts sees 'global peace' eroding fast
World peace has deteriorated steadily over the last seven years, with wars, militant attacks and crime reversing six earlier decades of gradual improvement, a global security survey reported Wednesday.
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2014
Hong Kong democracy 'referendum' set to rile Chinese rulers
Hong Kong holds a controversial "referendum" on democracy on Friday, a prelude to an escalating campaign of dissent that could shut down the former British colony's financial district and further anger China's Communist Party leaders.
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2014
Saudis appear to warn Iran: Don't meddle in Iraq
Saudi Arabia gave an apparent warning to regional rival Iran on Wednesday not to intervene in the conflict in Iraq, which it said could escalate to full civil war with implications beyond Iraqi frontiers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 18, 2014
Battling insurgency, Iraq's leaders make rare show of unity
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki broadcast a joint appeal for national unity on Tuesday with bitter Sunni critics of his Shiite-led government — a move that may help him win U.S. help against rampant Islamists threatening Baghdad.
Jun 17, 2014
Any airstrikes on Iraq will be risky for Obama
The airstrikes that President Barack Obama is considering against Islamic militants in Iraq could prove as messy and inconclusive as the war the U.S. thought had ended in 2011.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2014
Koreas' disputed sea border never too far from action as threat of war persists
On a clear day, residents of Yeonpyeong Island can see North Korea, 10 km away. They can also sometimes watch South Korean warships chase North Korean and Chinese fishing boats. These waters in the Yellow Sea are among the world's richest for blue crab.
WORLD / Politics
Jun 16, 2014
In Ukraine, a day of mourning shows a nation divided
Church bells rang out over Kiev's Maidan Square and hundreds of mourners bowed their heads in silence Sunday, a national day of mourning, to honor 49 Ukrainian servicemen killed by pro-Russian separatists.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2014
Pakistan resumes airstrikes to flush insurgents from border region
Pakistani fighter jets resumed airstrikes in North Waziristan on Monday, a day after the army announced the start of a major military operation to flush insurgents out of the volatile region bordering Afghanistan.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 16, 2014
Heavy fighting in northwestern Iraq as Islamists advance
Sunni insurgents seized a mainly ethnic Turkmen city in northwestern Iraq on Sunday after heavy fighting, solidifying their grip on the north after a lightning offensive that threatens to dismember Iraq.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 15, 2014
Iraq military meltdown blamed on graft, politics
The Iraqi Army that disintegrated under an onslaught by Islamist fighters last week was a hollow force, riven by corruption, poor leadership and sectarian splits — a shadow of the military Washington had hoped to leave in the war-ravaged country.
WORLD / Politics
Jun 15, 2014
ISIS push lessens chance of detente between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran
Last week's advance by Sunni insurgents in Iraq provides a powerful argument for why Iran and Saudi Arabia should bury their Cold War-style feud, but is nonetheless likely to set back detente between the Persian Gulf's dominant Sunni and Shiite powers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 15, 2014
ISIS leader fights to supplant al-Zawahri as world's deadliest terrorist
The leader of radical Sunni fighters who have made rapid military advances in Iraq is the rising star of global jihad, driven, Islamist fighters say, by an unbending determination to fight for and establish a hard-line Islamic state.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 15, 2014
Iraq insurgent advance slows, U.S. sends carrier to Gulf
An offensive by insurgents that threatens to dismember Iraq seemed to slow on Saturday after days of lightning advances as government forces regained some territory in counterattacks, easing pressure on the Shiite-led government in Baghdad.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2014
Taliban shifting from religious group to criminal enterprise: U.N.
The Taliban's reliance on extortion and kidnappings, along with narcotics and illegal mining operations, is transforming it from a group driven by religious ideology into a criminal enterprise hungry for profit, U.N. sanctions monitors said in a new report.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2014
China says it will never send military to oil rig spat with Vietnam
A Chinese official said on Friday that China will never send military forces to the scene of an increasingly ugly spat with Vietnam over an oil rig in the South China Sea and accused Hanoi of trying to force an international lawsuit.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 14, 2014
Iraq's top Shiite cleric issues call to fight jihadist rebels
Iraq's most senior Shiite Muslim cleric urged followers to take up arms against a full-blown Sunni militant insurgency to topple Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a conflict that threatens civil war and a possible break-up of the country.


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