Tag - armed-conflicts



Japan Times
Jan 31, 2016
U.S. defies Chinese maritime claims after warship sails near island in disputed South China Sea
The U.S. Navy sent a Japan-based warship within 12 nautical miles (22 km) of an island in the South China Sea Saturday that is claimed by Beijing and others in an effort to challenge what the Pentagon called "excessive maritime claims."
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2016
Saudi Arabia is a far worse threat than Iran
Now that it is less dependent Saudi oil, the U.S. should end its 'special relationship with Riyadh and pursue a more balanced foreign policy in the Mideast.
Jan 27, 2016
Implications of the U.S. Navy's FONOP program
When the U.S. last fall sent a warship on a Freedom of Navigation Operation near a Chinese-occupied reef, the message was unfortunately both confused and confusing.
Jan 27, 2016
North Korea suspected of targeting South with cyberattacks
South Korea said on Wednesday it suspected North Korea of attempting cyberattacks against targets in the South, following a nuclear test by the North this month that defied United Nations sanctions.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 26, 2016
Deals and warm words flow as Iranian president leads delegation on European visit
Italy and Iran signed billions of dollars in business deals on Monday at the start of a visit to Europe by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani aimed to rebuild his nation's ties with the West after years of economic sanctions.
Jan 26, 2016
In fight against Islamic State on Internet, social media, key battle is to retake virtual ground
A year before Islamic State established its extremist caliphate in Syria and Iraq, Abdulmunam Almushawah noticed a disturbing development from more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) away in Saudi Arabia.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2016
Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard to gain even more regional, economic power in post-sanctions era
Iran's Revolutionary Guard did well under international sanctions, and the elite military force is destined to become still richer now they've been lifted.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2016
India to build satellite tracking station in Vietnam that offers eye on China
India will set up a satellite tracking and imaging center in southern Vietnam that will give Hanoi access to pictures from Indian Earth-observation satellites that cover the region, including China and the South China Sea, Indian officials said.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2016
China's risk tolerance exceeds expectations amid faltering U.S. rebalance to Asia, study says
Beijing's view of American power as less of a constraint in Asia is boosting its willingness to pursue more aggressive risk-taking, putting a damper on Washington's rebalance to the region, a major independent U.S. report has warned.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2016
U.S. says deal with China on North Korea at U.N. still far off
The United States is not close to an agreement with China on new United Nations Security Council measures to impose on North Korea over its fourth nuclear test earlier this month, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 23, 2016
After sanctions lifted, Iran to be hooked up to global banks within weeks
Iran is set to re-engage with the banking world within weeks as international lenders link up with their Iranian counterparts using global transaction network SWIFT, Iran's Middle East Bank and a senior central bank official said Friday.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2016
China drops online notice of oil rig location after Vietnam complaint
Chinese maritime officials on Friday removed an online notice giving the location of a $1 billion deepwater oil rig in the South China Sea two days after issuing it, following a warning from Vietnam about drilling in disputed waters.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2016
Beijing says South China Sea militarization depends on threat level
The amount of military facilities China builds on islands in the South China Sea depends on the level of threat it faces although China does not seek militarization, the navy chief told his U.S. counterpart Wednesday.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2016
Vietnam warns China over oil rig in disputed waters
Vietnam warned China on Tuesday against drilling in disputed waters in the South China Sea after Beijing steered an oil rig that was the subject of a previous standoff into an area where jurisdiction is unclear.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2016
North Korea nuclear test did not increase its technical capability, U.S. military says
North Korea's Jan. 6 nuclear test did not expand its technical capability, but the U.S. government is keeping a close eye on Pyongyang's efforts to develop a thermonuclear warhead capable of reaching the United States, the head of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said Tuesday.
Jan 19, 2016
Beijing says Manila exaggerating tensions with aircraft claim
China accused the Philippines on Tuesday of deliberately trying to scare people by saying China had warned a small civilian plane carrying Philippine officials it was trespassing as they inspected an island in the disputed South China Sea.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2016
North Korean propaganda drops into defector's yard in South
The irony wasn't lost on Lee Min Bok when he spotted propaganda leaflets fluttering down in front of his home just south of the border dividing the Korean peninsula: it was airborne pamphlets flown the other way that convinced him to defect from the north more than two decades ago.
Jan 19, 2016
Australian leader urges China to avoid territorial moves that could spur conflict with U.S.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called on China to avoid actions in pursuit of territorial claims in Asia that could make conflict with the United States more likely.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2016
Nuclear test seen as move to boost Kim's legitimacy as Pyongyang readies for rare party congress
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's recent nuclear weapon test was designed to boost his domestic legitimacy ahead of a rare ruling party conference in May that could formalize market-based economic experiments in the isolated country, analysts say.
Jan 19, 2016
After signing of nuclear deal, Iran moves from being pariah state to regional power
Iran's release from sanctions testifies to its new relationship with the United States as it moves from pariah state to regional power, a status that could come at the cost of Saudi Arabia, Washington's chief Arab ally.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals