Tag - armed-conflicts



Japan Times
Oct 13, 2013
Cleanup at nation's war cemetery stirs anger, grief
Elizabeth Belle walked toward the grave of her son carrying a canvas bag full of miniature pumpkins, silk leaves and other decorations for his headstone. Then she noticed the changes. Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, where more than 800 Iraq and Afghanistan war dead are buried, had been stripped...
Oct 11, 2013
OPCW bags Nobel Prize for fight against chemical arms
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, just weeks after a deadly gas attack in Syria sparked international condemnation.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2013
Pakistan Army chief announces he will retire next month
Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, the powerful head of the Pakistan Army, said Sunday he will retire at the end of November, clearing the way for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to select a replacement while maintaining the balance of power between civilian and military leadership.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2013
U.S. Marine generals fired for Afghan security lapses
The commandant of the Marine Corps on Monday took the extraordinary step of firing two generals for not adequately protecting a giant base in southern Afghanistan that Taliban fighters stormed last year, resulting in the deaths of two marines and the destruction of a half a dozen U.S. fighter jets.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2013
Troop command top issue as Hagel visits South Korea
Sixty years after the end of the Korean War, the United States and South Korea still cannot agree on who should take charge if another war breaks out with the communist neighbor to the north.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 29, 2013
Politics and pride drive Putin's anti-U.S. shift
First, Vladimir Putin accused Hillary Rodham Clinton of inciting protests against him at the end of 2011. The next fall, the Russian president threw the U.S. Agency for International Development out of his country. Then he decided civic groups that get U.S. financing must be foreign agents.
Japan Times
Sep 26, 2013
Syrian rebel groups ally to create Islamic state, reject West
U.S. hopes of winning more influence over Syria's fractious rebel movement faded Wednesday after 11 of the biggest armed factions repudiated the Western-backed opposition coalition and announced the formation of a new alliance dedicated to creating an Islamic state.
Japan Times
Sep 24, 2013
Americans, Briton 'among Nairobi mall attackers'
Kenya's foreign minister says 'two or three Americans' and 'one Brit' were among the al-Qaida-linked militants who took part in the deadly terrorist attack on an upscale Nairobi shopping mall.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2013
Syria Islamists rake in funds
Syria's Islamist extremists are getting a fresh torrent of cash from Arab donors hoping for an uprising to erupt across the region.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2013
Syrian crisis exposes Obama's frayed ties with U.S. military
The Syrian crisis over the past few weeks has thrust President Barack Obama into a role in which at times he has seemed uneasy: that of commander in chief.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2013
Syrian deaths rise amid talks
As negotiations to avert a U.S. strike against Syria ramped up last week, so, too, did the action on the ground. Warplanes dropped bombs over far-flung Syrian towns that hadn't seen airstrikes in weeks, government forces went on the attack in the hotly contested suburbs of Damascus, rebels launched an...
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2013
Iraq, Libya loom over quest to rid nation of chemical arms
When Moammar Gadhafi renounced chemical weapons in 2003, the Libyan dictator surprised skeptics by moving quickly to eliminate his country's toxic arsenal. He signed international treaties, built a disposal facility and allowed inspectors to oversee the destruction of tons of mustard gas.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2013
U.S. ties in gulf at risk as Obama backs off
The United States risks damaging relations with Persian Gulf states as it warily embraces a Russian initiative for Syria to relinquish its chemical arsenal, analysts say, with Sunni monarchies fearful that the U.S. pullback from military strikes will bolster President Bashar Assad and the influence in...
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Securing Assad's chemical arsenal would be daunting task
As diplomats wrangled over competing plans for securing Syria's chemical weapons, arms-control experts warned Tuesday of the formidable challenges involved in carrying out such a complex and risky operation in the midst of a raging civil war.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Syria debate twists Beltway playbook
Syria has utterly confounded the Washington political establishment, from the White House to the Capitol. There's no script for what's been happening. The usual political polarization, the simple calculus of R vs. D, has disintegrated into a tangle of uncomfortable alliances.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2013
Kerry's offhand remark on crisis has long reach
While making a case for military strikes in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry became an inadvertent peacemaker this week, and highlighted the risks and rewards of a chief diplomat who loves to talk but does not love the talking point.
Japan Times
Sep 5, 2013
Clinton's Syria stance may be key in 2016 race
Hillary Rodham Clinton was a senator from New York the last time the U.S. Congress was asked to authorize military action in the Middle East. Friends believe her 2002 vote giving President George W. Bush the power to invade Iraq may have cost her the presidency in 2008.
Sep 4, 2013
Obama strains to win over public on Syria
President Barack Obama has turned the question of whether to strike Syria into an extraordinary national sales job — seeking to convince skeptics in Congress and among the public that military action would be worth the risk.
Sep 3, 2013
2014 elections, specter of Iraq loom over Obama's high-stakes Syria gamble
President Barack Obama's stunning reversal on Syria — deciding to ask Congress to approve the use of force just hours after he seemed set on bypassing the legislative branch — amounts to a massive gamble by the commander in chief.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2013
Teenagers start filling ranks as rebel losses soar
Just 16 years old, Mohammed Hamad was heading to war.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals