Tag - argentina



Dec 2, 2013
Why Chile prospers and Argentina flounders
Tale of two economies: Argentina should learn from its Western neighbor, Chile, and a new administration in Chile should look across the Andes, recognize where its proposals risk taking the country, and change course before it is too late.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2013
Hitler escape book's authors in plagiarism row
The notorious claim that Hitler escaped his Berlin bunker to live incognito in Argentina first gained popular currency in 1945, when Stalin spoke of it. Since then the idea has resurfaced occasionally, with alleged photographic and documentary evidence pored over by conspiracy theorists. Now the theory...
Mar 25, 2013
Reports of pope's past silences deflate bubble
Reports that he stood silent during Argentina's 'dirty war' and on sex abuse allegations against priests have toned down the welcome for Pope Francis.
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Jan 17, 2013
Tango orchestra to tour country
A renowned Argentine tango orchestra and dancers will bring their passion for the art to audiences in more than 30 cities across Japan through March.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan