Tag - archaeology



Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 19, 2015
Genetic sleuthing helps sort out complex ancestry of modern Europeans
DNA extracted from a skull and a molar tooth of ancient human remains discovered in the southern Caucasus region of Georgia is helping sort out the multifaceted ancestry of modern Europeans.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 12, 2015
Prehistoric 'Stonehenge' monument in Golan Heights hides in plain site, fuels mystery
Driving past it, one of the most mysterious structures in the Middle East is easy to miss. The prehistoric stone monument went unnoticed for centuries in a bare expanse of field on the Golan Heights.
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Sep 28, 2015
China's culture chief says sites being plundered, bulldozed
The treasures of China's thousands of years of culture face being plundered, sometimes violently, or disappearing under bulldozers as authorities either do not care or do not have the resources to look after them, China's culture chief said.
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 26, 2015
Fossils offer clues to human ancestors' hearing capabilities
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 29, 2015
Toothy terror: Dinosaurs like T. rex had unique serrated teeth
If you want to know the secret behind the success of Tyrannosaurus rex and its meat-eating dinosaur cousins, look no further than their teeth.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
May 22, 2015
Dog domestication much older than previously known
Genetic information from a 35,000-year-old wolf bone found below a frozen cliff in Siberia is shedding new light on humankind's long relationship with dogs, showing canine domestication may have occurred earlier than previously thought.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
May 21, 2015
Kenya dig yields stone tools 3.3 million years old, 700,000 years older than previous oldest finds
Our ancient ancestors made stone tools, a milestone achievement along the path of human progress, much earlier than previously thought and far before the appearance of the first known member of our genus Homo.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 25, 2015
Hunt for ancient royal tomb at Teotihuacan pyramid turns up mysterious mercury
A Mexican archaeologist hunting for a royal tomb in a tunnel deep beneath a pre-Aztec pyramid has made a discovery that may have brought him a step closer: liquid mercury.
Mar 14, 2015
Musashi broke up on descent because of torpedoes, researchers say
Some of the first video taken of the sunken battleship Musashi reveals that it broke apart before coming to rest on the seafloor near the Philippines in 1944.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 7, 2014
Ancient Russian's DNA sheds light on Neanderthal interbreeding
DNA extracted from the skeleton of a man who lived in Russia about 37,000 years ago is giving scientists new insights into the genetic history of Europeans including interbreeding that took place with Neanderthals more than 50,000 years ago.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 24, 2014
Easter Island's ancient inhabitants weren't so lonely after all
They lived on a remote dot of land in the middle of the Pacific, 3,700 km west of South America and 1,770 km from the closest island, erecting huge stone figures that still stare enigmatically from the hillsides.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 24, 2014
Old, cold and bold: Ice Age people dwelled high in Peru's Andes
In a bleak, treeless landscape high in the southern Peruvian Andes, bands of intrepid Ice Age people hunkered down in rudimentary dwellings and withstood frigid weather, thin air and other hardships.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 12, 2014
Archaeologists unearth ancient village in an Arizona national park
Archaeologists have unearthed a village believed to be about 1,300 years old containing more than 50 sandstone-walled homes at a U.S. national park in northeastern Arizona.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 5, 2014
Ancient Oregon caves may upend understanding of humans in the Americas
A network of caves in rural Oregon may be the oldest site of human habitation in the Americas, suggesting that an ancient human population reached what is now the United States at the end of the last Ice Age, Oregon officials said on Friday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Sep 17, 2014
Forensics suggest King Richard III was killed by two blows to his bare head
Scientists in Britain have given blow-by-blow details of King Richard III's death at the Battle of Bosworth more than 500 years ago and say two of many blows to his bare head could have killed him very swiftly.
Sep 11, 2014
New Mexico city plans to auction excavated vintage 'E.T.' video games, the worst ever
A city in New Mexico where 1,300 unwanted vintage video games were discovered buried in a landfill has voted to auction off more than half of the cartridges in the run-up to Christmas.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties