Tag - ao-no-ran



Japan Times
Apr 14, 2021
Indonesian singer Rainych Ran goes viral amid an online city pop renaissance
Rainych Ran's take in Japanese on American singer Doja Cat's chart-topping “Say So” became a hit partially because music from the 1980s is currently enjoying a YouTube-powered revival.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2017
'Japanese Reflections on World War II and the American Occupation': War through the eyes of everyday Oita citizens
The deafening report of war is such that the cries of its victims are often hard to hear, even decades later.
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 26, 2015
Nation's youth are attempting to establish a new political norm
"Tell me what democracy looks like!"
Japan Times
CULTURE / Film / Wide Angle
Sep 2, 2015
Japanese theater group travels to Europe by film
Getting a Japanese film on the international festival circuit isn't as easy as it sounds — and even more so for "Ao no Ran," the latest film in the popular Geki×Cine series that fuses stage production with cinema.
Japan Times
May 13, 2015
'Ao no Ran' is a riproaring rhapsody in blue
"Ao no Ran" is the latest in the popular Geki×Cine series. To cut a long story short, Geki×Cine is a filmed stage production, but one done so meticulously that not a single moment of relevance or emotion is lost in the translating process.
Japan Times
Feb 4, 2015
Ninagawa still exploring in eighth take on 'Hamlet'
Yukio Ninagawa's "cherry-blossom" staging of "Macbeth" at the Edinburgh Festival in 1985, with actors in that famously Scottish play sporting kimono rather than kilts, was a sensation due to its radical reimagining of so revered a work.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly