Tag - animals



Japan Times
Nov 1, 2015
Lovable mutt: a mixed-breed pup named Ozzie
When you picture the classic childhood dog, chances are you'll conjure up something that looks and acts exactly like Ozzie.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 30, 2015
Zap happy: electric eels innovative in subduing hapless prey
A new study has detailed how electric eels can double the voltage of their jolts by adjusting the positions of the positive and negative poles of their electric organ.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 30, 2015
Fossil unearthed in Spain sheds light on ape evolution
The well-preserved partial skull and skeleton of a gibbon-like creature that lived 11.6 million years ago in Spain is shedding new light on the evolutionary history of modern apes.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2015
Why the Hanshin Tigers play in a stadium named after rats
Exploring the weird and wonderful animal kingdom and the roots of critters' kanji.
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2015
Bathtub blues: a shiba named Ofurochan
Ofurochan had lived three years in a bathtub when she was rescued after her owner was hospitalized with mental health issues.
Japan Times
Oct 21, 2015
Jumpin' Jiminy: YoYo the cat finds a new home in Tokyo
The handsome Blanco, first featured here in May 2014, has found a home in the capital with a Canadian resident.
Japan Times
Oct 14, 2015
Animal advocates divided over shelter practices
Foreign volunteers break off contact with Tokyo NPO over conditions at dog facility.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2015
Trash day tragedy: a Doberman named Destiny
Destiny, an 8-year-old Doberman, was found buried in a pile of rubbish in Osaka, severely dehydrated and anemic.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 11, 2015
California adopts tough rules for antibiotic use in farm animals
California Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday signed a bill that sets the strictest government standards in the United States for the use of antibiotics in livestock production.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 6, 2015
Density of wildlife in Chernobyl area increasing, study finds
Some 30 years after the world's worst nuclear accident blasted radiation across Chernobyl, the site has evolved from a disaster zone into a nature reserve, teeming with elk, deer and wolves, scientists said Monday.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 6, 2015
Montana hunter fends off grizzly bear by triggering its gag reflex
A hunter tracking elk in the Montana mountains said he fended off an attacking grizzly bear by shoving his arm into its throat, inducing a gag reflex that frightened it away, according to state wildlife managers.
Japan Times
Oct 4, 2015
We are family: cats Tencha and Sencha
Found huddled in terror by the side of the road, blind kitten Tencha escaped certain death when he was rescued.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 4, 2015
Feeding strategy of blue whales revealed
The blue whale is the largest creature on Earth and perhaps the biggest that ever lived, so it is no surprise it has a huge appetite. But the strategies this behemoth uses to get enough food has not been well understood — until now.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2015
Sled dogs in an age of climate change
When I first went to the Canadian Arctic in 1958, sled dogs were a part of life for the indigenous Inuit and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and part of the scenery and the soundscape for everyone in those frigid far-northern reaches.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 2, 2015
Ozzie the eagle dead after live-streamed duel with love rival in Florida
A love triangle between bald eagles that played out before thousands of fans on a live webcam has ended badly in Florida with the death of Ozzie, longtime mate of Harriet, according to a Florida wildlife clinic.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 2, 2015
Double trouble of asteroid, volcanoes implicated in dinosaur doom
It was a combination of calamities — an asteroid strike followed by vast volcanic eruptions half a world away — that doomed the dinosaurs and many other creatures 66 million years ago.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 1, 2015
Record number of threatened seals stranded along California
Guadalupe fur seals, a threatened species that breed off Mexico and normally spend much of their time at sea, have washed up dead and dying in record numbers along the California coast this year, another apparent casualty of warming ocean temperatures.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?