Tag - animals



Jan 19, 2023
Japan divers capture rare footage of live giant squid
Giant squid are known to live in the waters around Japan, and occasionally wash ashore.
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2023
Dead sardines pile up on Hokkaido shores, but no one's sure why
In one town, it's estimated that there were around 20 tons of the dead fish.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2023
The race to save the Japanese giant salamander
River infrastructure is causing the salamander's decline. To stop Japan from losing this rare species, conservationists are calling for an alternative vision of rural development.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2023
Number of bird flu outbreaks in Japan this season reach record 54
The total number of bird cullings due to this season's outbreaks is expected to reach around 7.75 million.
Japan Times
Jan 2, 2023
U.S. ignored own scientists' warning in backing Atlantic wind farm
Marine scientists have warned that projects along the New England coast could imperil endangered North Atlantic right whales.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Longform
Jan 1, 2023
What to expect in the Year of the Rabbit
If 2022 felt a little hectic, the next 12 months could offer opportunities for relaxation, quietness and contemplation.
Japan Times
Dec 29, 2022
King penguins survived hunters. Now they face climate change.
As global warming makes the polar front drift southwards, the Crozet Islands could soon become uninhabitable for king penguins.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2022
Saving the bees isn’t the same as saving the planet
Mother Nature spent millions of years creating the most efficient pollinator on the planet. We owe it to the bees to save them.
Japan Times
Dec 27, 2022
Human activity puts 1 million species on the brink, threatening ecosystems
The speed at which species are now vanishing is unprecedented in the last 10 million years.
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2022
With wildlife pests on the rise, Japan turns to novel countermeasures
The old-school approach of the nation's hunters is being pushed to its limits, prompting some to turn to unusual kinds of drones and robots.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2022
Canadian polar bears disappearing fast, study shows
The bears' sea-ice habitat has been disappearing at an alarming rate, with the far north warming up to four times faster than the rest of the world.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2022
A looming biodiversity crisis demands action
Some 188 governments agreed to a sweeping deal to protect the Earth's biodiversity at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference: COP15 that convened earlier this month in Montreal, Canada.
Japan Times
Dec 20, 2022
Nearly every country signs on to a sweeping deal to protect nature
The agreement comes as biodiversity is declining worldwide at rates never seen before in human history.
Japan Times
Dec 19, 2022
Ministers near global deal at landmark U.N. nature talks
Policymakers hope an ambitious deal can spur nature conservation in the same way that a pact in Paris in 2015 helped mobilize efforts to limit carbon emissions.
Japan Times
Dec 18, 2022
What campaigners want to see in U.N. nature deal
Many Indigenous activists want to make sure their rights are not trampled in the name of conservation — an outcome that has been dubbed 'green colonialism.'


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?