Tag - aid



Japan Times
Oct 12, 2021
Plunging currency and dollar drought worsen Myanmar economic crisis
The plunging kyat is already taking its toll on the economy, with some businesses shutting down because they are unable to cope with rising costs of imports and raw materials.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / Japan / Geoeconomic Briefing
Oct 12, 2021
How Japan and the U.S. should approach Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
While Washington has financial sanctions to wield, Tokyo has the chance to offer the Afghan people humanitarian assistance.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2021
Starvation is as much a threat to Afghan women as the Taliban
In an aid-dependent economy already in deep trouble, the removal of tens of thousands female workers, many supporting large families, will only add to those facing hunger.
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2021
Building a better world in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle
Instead of exporting war, countries such as the U.S. could export technology together with human capital, such as teachers and doctors, to help create a better world.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2021
A U.N. system with Taiwan in it would be more resilient
Taiwan believes its effective response to the global pandemic at home and abroad shows there is no compelling reason for it not to play a constructive role in the U.N. system.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2021
'Forces for good will prevail': Taiwan welcomes massive U.S. vaccine aid
Taiwan reacted with an outpouring of thanks to the United States for shipping 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to the island.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2021
G7 to donate 1 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to poorer countries
Some campaign groups condemned the plan as a drop in the ocean, with Oxfam estimating that nearly 4 billion people will depend on COVAX for vaccines.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2021
Biden sets out plan to share 25 million COVID-19 vaccine doses with the world
Concern has been growing about the huge disparity in vaccination rates between developing countries and advanced economies.
Japan Times
Jun 2, 2021
The post-pandemic whiplash awaiting the world’s poor
At the global level, the International Monetary Fund has warned of a “great divergence,” whereby rich countries recover strongly while others flounder.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society / Regional Voices: Kyushu
May 31, 2021
Pandemic wreaks havoc on Japan's homeless as government touts 'self-reliance'
As the coronavirus scourge continues to wreak havoc on the economy, the burden is unduly falling on so-called nonregular workers whose employment is unstable.
Japan Times
May 24, 2021
Japan, Myanmar and the illusion of a value-oriented foreign policy
Interestingly, Japan does not even have a legislative foundation to apply sanctions based on human rights violations.
Japan Times
May 9, 2021
Colonization by other means: China’s debt-trap diplomacy
In stark contrast to China's loans, interest rates for Japan's infrastructure loans to developing countries, for example, mostly run below half a percent.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?