Tag - agriculture-3



Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Food Sustainability in Japan
Apr 4, 2020
Breaking ground: Young farmers embrace urban agriculture in Tokyo
Kei Kawana’s kingdom is Neighbor’s Farm, a 2,000-square-meter plot overlooked by the Tama Monorail, which regularly zips by overhead. This March, she celebrated her first year of agricultural activity, the culmination of many years of patient work, planning and wading through bureaucracy.
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2020
Coronavirus puts fragile system supplying food to world under strain
Global warehouses are stuffed with frozen cuts of pork, wheels of cheese and bags of rice. But as the coronavirus snarls logistical operations, the question becomes: How does all that food actually get to people?
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2020
Docomo and Hokkaido university plan 5G-based system to monitor cows
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, NTT Docomo Inc. and others plan to develop a system to monitor dairy cows using fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless networks, aiming for commercialization in 2022.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Food Sustainability in Japan
Mar 14, 2020
Yoshida Noen: 400 years of organic urban growth
In the outskirts of Tokyo, Yoshida Noen farm has been producing organic vegetables for around 300 years, supplying local restaurants with fresh, healthy, even unusual produce.
Japan Times
Mar 11, 2020
Japan's agriculture ministry to keep food self-sufficiency target at 45%
The agriculture ministry revealed Tuesday that it would maintain its goal of increasing the country's calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate to 45 percent by fiscal 2030, unchanged from the current target for years through fiscal 2025.
Japan Times
Mar 9, 2020
Tohoku land-reutilization project breathes new life into 3/11 danger zones
Towns and cities in the three Tohoku prefectures damaged most by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami are moving forward with plans to reuse abandoned land plots under a group relocation program aimed at disaster prevention.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2020
Trump's biofuel plan sparks anger in farm country
President Donald Trump's decision to defend the U.S. government's power to broadly exempt oil refineries from biofuel-blending requirements is triggering a backlash in Iowa and other states that are top producers of ethanol and the corn used to make it.
Japan Times
Mar 6, 2020
Sri Lankan Tamil women fight for land a decade after war's end
Chandraleela Jasinthan was a school teacher in a northern Sri Lankan village when, in the last days of the civil war, she and her neighbors were forced by the army to flee their homes.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 21, 2020
Lab-grown meat? Dutch start-up keeps pork on your plate without wrecking the planet
A Dutch start-up may have found a workaround for eco-conscious consumers struggling to give up meat: pork grown in a laboratory that doesn't harm animals or damage the planet.
Japan Times
Feb 20, 2020
Machine lubricants leave bad taste for palm oil producers and buyers
The palm oil industry, long accused of large-scale deforestation, is bracing for another hit to its business: machinery lubricants seeping into the world's most consumed edible oil during processing.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2020
Indonesia eases curbs on processed foods from Japan imposed after Fukushima nuclear disaster
Indonesia has eased its import restrictions on processed foods made in Japan that were imposed after the nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture in March 2011, the agriculture ministry said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2020
Climate change to open up 'frontier' farmland, but experts urge caution
Kenya’s livestock herders planting chile peppers, Pakistan’s mountain farmers rearing fish and tropical fruits being grown in Sicily — farmers around the world are already shifting what they grow and breed to cope with rising temperatures and erratic weather.
Feb 17, 2020
Bayer, now with BASF, faces more Monsanto pain after trial loss
The first U.S. trial over the dicamba herbicide has landed Bayer AG and its German rival, BASF SE, with another potentially multi-billion-dollar problem.
Feb 16, 2020
Japan cancels brand protection for Aichi's Nishio Matcha tea as producers seek flexibility to boost sales
The agriculture ministry has removed Aichi Prefecture's Nishio Matcha tea from its list of geographically protected local specialty brand names so its producers can be given the freedom to try more efficient growing methods.
Japan Times
Feb 6, 2020
China to halve tariffs on U.S. imports worth $75 billion from Feb. 14
China will halve tariffs on some $75 billion (¥8.24 trillion) of imports from the U.S. later this month, reciprocating a U.S. action and likely satisfying part of their interim trade deal.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Regional Voices: Okinawa
Jan 24, 2020
Indian entrepreneurs create water-saving solution for farmers out of Okinawa fruit scraps
Two Indian entrepreneurs in Okinawa Prefecture are developing an organic polymer made from fruit scraps that can retain water 50 times its weight, in a potential breakthrough for farming in water-scarce regions.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2020
Tainted pork in pig feed may have caused swine fever in Okinawa, panel says
Pigs in Okinawa Prefecture may have been infected with classical swine fever through food, an expert panel commissioned by the agricultural ministry said Thursday.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?