Tag - ac-japan



Japan Times
Aug 27, 2020
China fires missiles into South China Sea as U.S. sanctions Beijing
Japan's top government spokesman says Tokyo has been watching Beijing's recent moves in the South China Sea 'with concern.'
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 27, 2020
Coronavirus vaccine could spark Japan recovery by 2022, economist says
Columbia University professor Takatoshi Ito says data is already signaling that Japan is bouncing back.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Aug 26, 2020
Three arrested in Japan on suspicion of coronavirus relief fraud
The suspects, who all live in Aichi Prefecture, were arrested on suspicion of falsifying documents showing their income had fallen since the beginning of the pandemic.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 26, 2020
Japanese researchers say ozone effective in neutralizing coronavirus
The experiment used an ozone generator in a sealed chamber with a sample of coronavirus.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2020
In a second Trump term, Tokyo would need to bolster ties elsewhere
The U.S. president has repeatedly voiced disdain for the existing alliance system, calling allied countries freeloaders that should pay more of its costs.
Japan Times
Aug 25, 2020
Japan's take on a most unconventional Democratic convention
The reaction in Tokyo was mostly even-handed, if a little less enthusiastic than the coverage in the U.S. media.


Dul Saroth (left) and Soeum Samrach, deminers with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, practice using the Advanced Landmine Imaging System in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province in August.
The Japanese tech that could one day make Southeast Asia landmine-free