Tag - 311



Japan Times
Jul 6, 2013
Letting opportunity slip away
So why hasn't March 11, 2011, been the game-changer that many anticipated? Richard Samuels' masterful account of Japan's policy responses to its greatest crisis since World War II explains why continuity has trumped change. But maybe, just maybe, it hasn't, as he also reminds us that the consequences are still unfolding.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
May 28, 2013
281_Anti Nuke's anger at authority is at a critical mass
More than two years after the triple reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, hundreds of thousands of residents of the Tohoku region of northeastern Honshu remain displaced, the power station teeters on the brink of further disaster and large swaths of northern Japan are so irradiated...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Apr 16, 2013
Google Street Views goes inside a Fukushima school
Straying off the usual Street View path, Google does inside a school in Fukushima's no-go zone.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2013
Tohoku coast faces man-made perils in wake of tsunami
One day in October 2011, marine ecologist Masahiro Nakaoka donned his scuba gear, paddled into the waters of Funakoshi Bay in Iwate Prefecture, and braced himself for his first glimpse of its underwater communities since a massive tsunami triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake swept through seven...
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2013
How an American collector brought Jakuchu to Tohoku
Including loans from each of Japan's six national museums as well as the Imperial Household Agency, 'Jakuchu's Here!' represents to a gift from Japan's art establishment to an audience that it has neglected for decades.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2013
Filmmaker captures the 3/11 stress of Tohoku's deaf
Nobuko Kikuchi, a 72-year-old resident of Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, couldn't hear the emergency sirens that followed the 9.0-magnitude earthquake that struck on March 11, 2011.
Feb 15, 2013
Improve reconstruction efforts
As of mid-January, at least 316,000 people were still living away from homes affected by the 3/11 quake-tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster.
Dec 25, 2012
The year in quotes: 25 windows on the way things were in 2012
It was a year dominated by Japan's spats with its most powerful neighbors, China and South Korea, over tiny specks in the sea, and by national soul-searching over nuclear power and the calamity that struck Japan in March 2011. It ended with the stunning political resurrection of the Liberal Democratic...
Aug 14, 2012
Did hearings on Japan's energy future let public send clear nuclear signal?
The 11 government-sponsored hearings on what the public thinks the nation's future energy mix should be in light of the Fukushima nuclear crisis ended earlier this month to mixed reviews.
Japan Times
Mar 6, 2012
Rebuilding lives in shattered Tohoku, one image at a time
As the minibus winds through the foothills of northern Fukushima, the Geiger counter flashes blue and buzzes loud alerts — but it doesn't distract Brian Peterson. The 35-year-old American holds up a boxy Konika Instant Press — what he calls his "magic camera" — then explains how to load it, set...
Reader Mail
Sep 25, 2011
Monitoring of cesium in food
It's good to see The Japan Times covering the issue of radiation in food. Tomoko Otake's Sept. 20 article, "Hold the cesium: ways to reduce radiation in your diet," contained useful information, but I would take issue with one point.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan