Tag - 2016-us-presidential-election



Dec 29, 2015
Database of 191 million U.S. voters exposed on Internet, says researcher
An independent computer security researcher uncovered a database of information on 191 million voters that is exposed on the open Internet due to an incorrectly configured database, he said on Monday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 28, 2015
Trump chides Rubio-endorsing Republican panel chief's Benghazi probe debacle
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump assailed a leading committee chairman in Congress on Sunday for backing Marco Rubio, Trump's rival for the party's nomination.
WORLD / Politics
Dec 27, 2015
Political ads for 2016 campaign termed positive so far, with caveats
Although the Republican front-runner in the 2016 presidential election has taunted his opponents as "disgusting," "dumb," and "losers," the campaign has, by at least one measure, proven to be astonishingly positive.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 25, 2015
'Play woman card' at your peril, Trump tweets Clinton
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump intensified his criticism of Hillary Clinton after she said he had a "penchant for sexism," warning his Democratic rival against using the woman "card" and drawing his full attention.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2015
Six crazy things Trump says that are spot on
Some of Donald Trump's utterances are offensive. His nativist demagoguery is outright fascist. But Trump also says stuff that other politicians and the media are afraid to say and need to be said.
WORLD / Science & Health
Dec 23, 2015
After Paris accord, most U.S. Republicans back action on climate
A majority of U.S. Republicans who had heard of the international climate deal in Paris said they support working with other countries to curb global warming and were willing to take steps to do so, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll on Tuesday.
Dec 19, 2015
No place for Islamophobia
Donald Trump's comment to block all entry for Muslims is so blatantly discriminatory that it marks a new low in the worsening political atmosphere in the United States.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 17, 2015
Republican senator checking if Cruz unveiled classified info during candidate debate
A Republican senator is investigating whether Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz released classified information while discussing the National Security Agency during Tuesday night's debate.
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2015
In defense of Donald Trump's name-calling
Winner or loser, Donald Trump has done political debate in America a huge favor by freeing 'stupid' from the rhetorical prison of words and phrases polite people aren't allowed to use.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 16, 2015
Clinton urges more airstrikes against Islamic State targets, outlines ways to curb homegrown attacks
U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Tuesday outlined how she would stop homegrown terrorist attacks such as the San Bernardino, California, massacre.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 14, 2015
Trump calls Cruz 'maniac' in Senate as tea party Texan takes Iowa poll lead
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump had a new target on Sunday, calling fellow White House contender Ted Cruz a "a little bit of a maniac" as the U.S. senator surpassed him in an Iowa presidential poll.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 12, 2015
Trump's lead among Republicans undiminished in first poll since Muslim comments
Donald Trump held onto his commanding lead in the Republican race for the White House after his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States was condemned worldwide, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, the first national survey conducted entirely after the billionaire's remarks.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 11, 2015
As Trump ups support base, Republicans look to derail him at convention before he dooms '16 race
Republican party officials are now actively preparing for the prospect of a contested convention in Cleveland as front-runner Donald Trump continues to draw strong support from the GOP base.
Dec 10, 2015
Trump bigotry relies on legal, historical precedent
When it comes to core values, you can never make an exception. Donald Trump's call for a ban against Muslims to enter the U.S. shows why.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 10, 2015
Netanyahu chat still on but calls mount in Israel, U.K. to ban Trump over Muslim slurs
Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States prompted calls that the Republican presidential front-runner be banned from Britain and Israel and cost him business in the Middle East.
Dec 9, 2015
The upside to Donald Trump's latest bad idea
Donald Trump's proposal to ban all Muslims from immigrating to the U.S. is a lousy idea, but it's worth thinking through what's wrong with it.
Dec 9, 2015
China weighs in with criticism of Trump's Muslim ban comments
China weighed in Wednesday with its own, albeit indirect, criticism of a proposal by leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
Japan Times
Dec 8, 2015
Muslims in Asia denounce Trump's call for U.S. ban
Muslims in Pakistan and Indonesia on Tuesday denounced Donald Trump's call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, dismissing the U.S. Republican presidential front-runner as a bigot who promoted violence.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 8, 2015
Trump's call to close door to all Muslims draws wide spectrum of scorn
Donald Trump is calling for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," his campaign said on Monday, until "our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 8, 2015
Domain owner unclear but JebBush.com redirects to Trump campaign site
In an exquisite act of trolling, the website JebBush.com currently redirects to Donald Trump's campaign website, DonaldJTrump.com.


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