Tag - 2016-upper-house-election



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 8, 2016
Young voters hope to reform Japan's 'silver democracy'
A revised law has expanded the electorate by 2.4 million voters aged 18 and 19 and is designed to give more political say to younger generations.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2016
Wakayama youth group urges teens to 'end voting virginity'
End your virginity while you are still a teenager.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 8, 2016
Teachers say Japan's young voters need to have political awareness nurtured in schools
Three 18-year-old high school students at Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin in Tokyo said they were excited to cast their ballots in Sunday's Upper House election, being among the nation's first teenagers to join the electorate.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 7, 2016
Showdown in apathetic Fukushima finds justice minister scrambling for survival
Justice Minister Mitsuhide Iwaki is feeling threatened.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Jul 7, 2016
Japan election manifestos free LGBT rights from political closet
When openly gay independent candidate Wataru Ishizaka campaigned in a 2007 Tokyo local election, people snickered at his speeches. But now even Japan's conservative ruling party mentions gay rights in its platform for this year's Upper House election.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 6, 2016
LDP vice president says 'zero possibility' Abe will revise Article 9 after Upper House poll win
Masahiko Komura says a victory in Sunday's election will not lead to a change in the Constitution's war-renouncing Article 9.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 6, 2016
Kochi voters feel neglected after redrawing of electoral boundaries
Campaigning is at fever pitch ahead of Sunday's Upper House election, with candidates pounding the pavement, holding rallies and calling out their names and slogans for hours on end via loudspeakers.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 6, 2016
A ruling bloc win in Sunday's poll puts Constitution in crosshairs
Keiko Hirai was surprised to see a letter addressed to her and her husband from the Self-Defense Forces, urging their 15-year-old son to enroll in a special high school run by the Ground Self-Defense Force after graduating from junior high.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 6, 2016
Osaka Ishin struggling ahead of Sunday's Upper House poll
Just before the Upper House election campaign kicked off on June 22, Osaka Ishin no Kai leaders were plotting their schedules for the days leading up to Sunday's poll.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / DECISION 2016
Jul 5, 2016
Japanese politics a man's world as few females stand in 2016 Upper House election
A key issue female Japanese voters focus on in election season is whether the men who dominate politics are serious about welcoming more women to their ranks.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy / DECISION 2016
Jul 5, 2016
In Japan's industrial heartland, some see no alternative to Abe
Shuttered factories dot the streets of Osaka, a city that once reverberated with the sound of trucks delivering all manner of parts to Japan's industrial giants.
Jul 4, 2016
Let's discuss the Upper House election
The nation's major political parties have kicked off their official House of Councilors election campaigns, with the ruling bloc and a united opposition giving speeches centered on the economy around the country.
Jul 1, 2016
Why young people should vote
Young people need to realize that the policies affecting their own future will be determined by the elections in which they may or may not be taking part.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy / DECISION 2016
Jun 29, 2016
Abenomics on the line for Abe in July poll: experts
Economists criticize Abenomics even as its eponymous champion uses it to draw focus away from his push for constitutional revision.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?