The first time Kanoa Igarashi did a backflip on a surfboard was an eye-opening experience.

Igarashi had been in the ocean earlier that day, about a month ago, but the session did not go well, and the cold weather in Portugal, where he lives, only amplified his feeling of discontent. On an impulse, he decided to try and salvage the day with a trip to a wave pool, a facility that generates artificial waves and allows surfers to ride when landlocked or when Mother Nature is not cooperating.

He found a flight to Spain and headed to Wavegarden Lab, in Basque Country. During his session there, Igarashi guided his board up a big wave and launched into the air. He grabbed the board as his body flipped around, letting go at the right time, landing and riding away cleanly. Igarashi, who had never even done a backflip on dry land, managed one in the water on his fourth attempt.