Overnight leader Midorifuji took his second straight loss of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Thursday, dropping back into a two-way tie in the title race with komusubi Daieisho at 10-2.

Unbeaten through the first 10 days at Edion Arena Osaka, No. 5 maegashira Midorifuji suffered a consecutive defeat courtesy of sekiwake Wakatakakage (6-6) on Day 12.

The two fast-moving grapplers jostled around the ring in a frenetic battle that ended when Wakatakakage toppled the rank-and-filer with a pulling overarm throw.

Daieisho, who won his sole Emperor's Cup in January 2021, barely broke a sweat as he thrust out No. 7 Hokutofuji (7-5).

Sekiwake Kiribayama and a pair of komusubi, Wakamotoharu and Kotonowaka, share the second rung of the leaderboard after improving to 9-3.

In one of the day's highlight bouts, Kiribayama won a grueling contest against fellow Mongolian sekiwake Hoshoryu (8-4) with an overarm throw.

With yokozuna Terunofuji and ozeki Takakeisho both missing due to injury, the 15-day grand tournament is the first since the start of Japan's Showa Era in 1926 to take place without wrestlers from sumo's top two ranks.