After back-to-back wins against ozeki opponents, No. 2 maegashira Hokutofuji brought down sole tournament leader Myogiryu on Friday, the sixth day of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.

The 28-year-old Hokutofuji (4-2), coming off wins against Shodai on Wednesday and Takakeisho on Thursday, handed Myogiryu his first loss of the tournament, dropping the 34-year-old veteran back into a group of six wrestlers with 5-1 records.

Starting the day with a one-win lead, Myogiryu had numerous chances to seal the win but was unable to react quickly enough when those openings presented himself. Hokutofuji patiently kept Myogiryu off his belt and bided his time until he could win with an oshidashi push out.