Okinoumi continued to steal the show at the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament on Wednesday as the top-ranked maegashira improved to a perfect 4-0 by defeating ozeki Terunofuji.

In the first four days of the meet, Okinoumi has beaten both yokozuna Harumafuji (3-1) and Kakuryu (2-2) as well as two ozeki, Kisenosato (2-2) and Terunofuji (2-2).

Okinoumi's win on Wednesday prompted an inquiry from the judges, who felt the Hakkaku stable wrestler may have stepped out of the ring first as he fell over with Terunofuji. In the end, however, Okinoumi was declared the winner by sakatottari as the referee initially ruled.

With 11 days to go, ozeki Goeido, who needs a winning record to avoid demotion, and No. 8 maegashira Kotoyuki are the only others with four wins.

"It's just getting started," said Okinoumi, who faces seventh-ranked Shohozan (2-2) on Thursday. "What's important is how I do from here on. I've got to keep at it."

Kisenosato, a candidate to become the first new Japanese-born yokozuna since Wakanohana in 1988, rebounded from his second defeat on Tuesday by dismissing No. 1 Yoshikaze (1-3), who was sent tumbling without being able to provide much of a challenge.

Harumafuji comfortably ushered second-ranked maegashira Tochinoshin out to a third loss, while Kakuryu beat down hapless No. 2 Shodai (0-4) to win for the second day in a row.

Kadoban ozeki Kotoshogiku took his record to 3-1 after defeating No. 4 Myogiryu (1-3), inching toward the eight wins he needs to keep his rank for November's Kyushu tourney.