The announcement of Kisenosato's imminent promotion to sumo's second-highest rank came even before the sekiwake stepped in the raised ring for his final match of the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament on Sunday.

For sumo fans who hoped to witness the sekiwake battle it out with ozeki debutant Kotoshogiku for one more "crucial" victory at a basho where yokozuna Hakuho had secured his 21st career title on the 13th day, the decision by the Japan Sumo Association was a letdown to say the least.

Hakuho, who won back-to-back titles, made up for the damper mood with a mouthwatering showdown against Estonian big man Baruto in the final bout of 2011 — a year in which the national sport was brought to its knees due to a match-fixing scandal that surfaced in February, resulting in the cancellation of the spring basho in March.