Kotoshogiku quickly disposed of rival Kisenosato to keep his ozeki promotion hopes alive, while yokozuna Hakuho plowed through another would-be opponent to remain undefeated at 10-0 at the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament on Tuesday.

Kotoshogiku improved to 9-1 along with rank-and-filer Gagamaru to remain one behind Hakuho, who made mincemeat of Tokitenku, with five days remaining in the 15-day autumn meet. Three wrestlers, including ozeki Baruto, sit at 8-2.

In the day's finale, Hakuho was laser-sharp as he got his right hand under an armpit at the face-off and completely nullified Tokitenku's counterattack using a left-hand belt grip to grind his opponent over the edge in a frontal forceout.

In another key bout, Estonian Baruto walloped Tochiozan (4-6) in a lopsided encounter, jettisoning the No. 3 maegashira from the ring in a matter of seconds.

Harumafuji (6-4) jumped to the side at the face-off against Tochinoshin (4-6) before toppling the No. 4 maegashira into the ringside seats.