The Akita Northern Happinets have secured the services of explosive lead guard Michael Gardener for the 2011-12 season. The bj-league club made the announcement on Monday.

Gardener, who turns 30, on Saturday, played in Germany's second-tier ProA league last season, seeing limiting time with Cuxhaven (three games, 16.0 points per game). Japan national team guard Takumi Ishizaki left the Shimane Susanoo Magic and has moved on to play for Cuxhaven's league rival, BV Chemnitz 99, for 2011-12.

Gardener has previously suited up for the Takamatsu Five Arrows (2009-10), Hamamatsu Higashimikawa Phoenix (2008-09) and Rizing Fukuoka (2007-08). He helped the Phoenix win their first Eastern Conference regular-season crown, but the team, which also included 236-cm center Sun Ming Ming, lost to the Tokyo Apache in the Final Four in May 2009.