The bj-league has pulled its two teams out of next year's All-Japan championship because of the tournament's limit on foreign players, Kyodo News learned on Wednesday.

In the bj-league, up to three foreigners are allowed on the court at any given time. The All-Japan championship permits only one.

"There were complaints from the other teams that the difference in the number of foreign players would create a problem," league official Tatsuya Abe said. "We would also have to change our entire schedule if we were going to compete."

The Japan Basketball Association had granted the bj-league entry to the All-Japans for the first time.

The JBA also approved the league's players for selection to the national team.

The JBA said the bj-league has known all along about the rule on foreigners, and that it was not a valid reason for withdrawing.

"They've known from the tournament regulations that only one foreigner can be on the court," JBA vice president Yoshifumi Ito said. "It makes no sense to pull out for that reason."