Earthquake, tsunami, radiation threat; despite it all, five dedicated fans from overseas followed through on a planned trip to Japan to watch Japanese professional baseball games in mid-April, just a few weeks after the devastating events that occurred in the Tohoku region of the country beginning on March 11.

Bob Bavasi of has been running an annual baseball fans tour to Japan each September and this year decided to add a spring tour to take advantage of the usually fine April weather. Nearly 20 people had signed up for the Japan travel, and all was proceeding smoothly until a massive 9.0 quake struck northeastern Japan on that second Friday of March.

A killer tsunami followed, and then serious problems at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant that threatened parts of the country with radiation problems. As the news of the crises spread, JapanBall clients began canceling their trips, and Bavasi had to decide whether to axe the baseball tour. However, when four dedicated fans insisted they still wanted to go, he revised the schedule of games and went ahead with the trip. He is glad he did.