He seemed fine two weeks ago, but, on Wednesday Yomiuri Giants infield and running coach Takuya Kimura died at a hospital in Hiroshima of a brain hemorrhage at the age of 37. He was pronounced dead five days after collapsing on the field at Mazda Zoom Zoom Stadium as he was about to fulfill his pre-game duty of hitting practice grounders and flies to the Giants players.

Kimura was so young and vibrant and, because he was well liked by teammates, opponents, fans and the media, the news of his death was extremely heartbreaking.

During Yomiuri's season-opening, March 26-28 three-game series, Kimura appeared to be his usual self, greeting everyone on the sidelines with his usual friendly "konnichi wa," and warm smile as he left the Tokyo Dome field after the Giants team batting practice had been completed.