Ozeki Chiyotaikai said Tuesday he will sit out the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament from the 11th day on Wednesday after suffering his eighth defeat on the 10th day of action at the hands of rank-and-filer Tamanoshima.

The 33-year-old Chiyotaikai will face demotion for a record 14th time at the Kyushu meet in November. He also holds the current worst record for facing relegation from sumo's second-highest rank.

"I've decided to sit out," Chiyotaikai said. "I haven't been dealing with my issues. I have no power to fight once I get in the ring," said Chiyotaikai, who forfeits his match against Kotomitsuki on Wednesday.

It will be the first time Chiyotaikai will sit out a tournament since the 2008 New Year meet.

The Kokonoe ozeki, who dropped to his sixth consecutive defeat on Tuesday, has been hampered by injuries to his left knee and elbow.

He had decided that he would pull out if he lost on the 10th day after talks with stable master Kokonoe the same morning.

"He can't wrestle like an ozeki is supposed to. Anyway right now, he has to put everything on the line for the next tournament," Kokonoe said.