The Hiroshima Carp are hoping newly acquired infielder-outfielder Andy Phillips will spark a flame that will ignite the team's offensive attack and help get the club back into playoff contention in the Central League standings. Manager Marty Brown wasted no time in getting his new player into action just three days after Phillips' arrival in Japan.

Normally, a foreigner joining a Japanese team in mid-season gets some time to adjust to the new environment, overcome jet lag and get acclimated to the unfamiliar surroundings before being registered on the roster. You know — maybe rest for a few days, practice a couple more and then play two or three farm league games before making his varsity debut.

However, the 32-year-old former major leaguer arrived here on June 27, was introduced at a news conference in Hiroshima the following day, and went through a workout on the 29th. He was certified to play that same day and was inserted into the lineup by Brown for the Carp's June 30 game against the Yomiuri Giants at Nagaragawa Stadium in Gifu.