Russian No. 2 maegashira Wakanoho received a warning from the Japan Sumo Association executive board on Monday for smashing a bathroom shelf out of frustration with his loss a day earlier to Mongolian sekiwake Ama.

Ama deployed a perfectly timed reversal throw on the ring's edge at the last moment after the 19-year-old Wakanoho appeared to have the bout already won.

One of the board members, Isenoumi, had told Wakanoho shortly after the ongoing tournament began on May 11 to exercise restraint in venting his anger and try to be a role model instead.

Wakanoho, however, appears to have problems controlling a fiery nature.

"It's frustrating to lose. I know I shouldn't resort to violence, but I just do it. If I see things like dishes, I want to break them," he said after beating Estonian mountain man Baruto to improve to 4-5 in the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament on Monday.

"Wakanoho tends to lose his temper. That's not good," his stablemaster Magaki said.

Magaki himself is in hot water after he was recently found to have beaten a junior wrestler with a bamboo sword.