Nippon Professional Baseball decided Monday to present to the players' association a proposal to shorten the period required for players to become eligible for free agency from the current system of nine seasons.

In a meeting of representatives of the 12 baseball clubs, NPB decided to shorten the eligibility period to seven seasons for players who were drafted from corporate and collegiate leagues and to eight seasons for high school draftees, starting with players selected in this autumn's draft.

Those trying to play overseas would need nine seasons in Japan before they can become "overseas-bound" free agents.

The players' association has insisted on seven seasons for moves both within Japan and overseas.

NPB is also set to propose a collective baseball draft for this autumn, instead of the current two separate drafts, one for high school players and the other for players mostly in the collegiate and corporate leagues. A lottery would be held in the event that multiple teams seek to obtain the right to negotiate a contract with a player in the first round.

NPB and the players' association are scheduled to meet April 14.