Oita HeatDevils center Andy Ellis is the primary recipient of precision passes from stellar playmaker Tsubasa Yonamine and former Arizona State University teammates Jason Braxton and Justin Allen, and he makes the most of it.

Ellis leads the bj-league in scoring (25.5 points per game) and continued his sizzling stretch of offensive production last weekend, scoring 25 on Saturday and 33 a day later to help the HeatDevils sweep the Sendai 89ers in Tohoku.

Ellis is the Circle K Sunkus Player of the Week, the bj-league announced on Tuesday.

Ellis, who starred at Texas Tech, has scored 20-plus points in 12 straight games. Third-place Oita, winners of three of its last four games and 17-19 overall, has taken a four-game lead over the Ryukyu Golden Kings in the Western Conference playoff race.