The Seibu Lions were found Thursday to have signed a secret contract with a player when he was in high school and paid him more than 10 million yen after his entry to Waseda University.

The university said in a press conference that 21-year-old Katsuhito Shimizu was one of the two prospects who took under-the-table payments from the Pacific League club between 2004 and 2005.

Shimizu revealed that he had been paid 100,000 yen every month since entering the university in the spring of 2004. Seibu was also helping him pay tuition.

He has been ordered to leave the Waseda University team as punishment for his actions. Waseda University said Seibu told Shimizu after the scandal was exposed to pretend that he did not know anything about the under-the-table payments. On Saturday, Tokyo Gas Co. left-hander Yuta Kimura, also 21, admitted to receiving 27 million yen from Seibu.