The Japan Sumo Association has started questioning wrestlers about some recent weekly tabloid reports that grand champion Asashoryu has been fixing matches, sources said Wednesday.

According to chief supervisor Tomozuna, the JSA has finished questioning wrestlers below sekiwake, sumo's third-highest rank, and all of the wrestlers have denied the allegations of match fixing.

Sumo's five ozeki -- Kaio, Chiyotaikai, Tochiazuma, Hakuho and Kotooshu -- will be called upon next Monday while Asashoryu himself is scheduled to be summoned Tuesday.

Asashoryu's stable elder Takasago as well as Kotomitsuki, Miyabiyama, Kotoshogiku and Kokkai were called on Wednesday. Tomozuna, vice supervisor Isegahama and a JSA lawyer questioned the wrestlers about the developing matter.

Tomozuna will make a report to JSA chairman Kitanoumi after all the wrestlers, including Asashoryu, have undergone questioning. The subject will also be on the table at a JSA directors meeting on Thursday.