LONDON -- During the 1960s, American comedian Bob Newhart gave the world what was to become a classic sketch on his Emmy-winning show. It was called "The Introduction of Tobacco to Civilization," wherein a telephone call from Sir Walter Raleigh prompted skeptical laughter in England.

It went: "Are you saying 'snuff,' Walt? What's snuff? You take a pinch of tobacco and you shove it up your nose! And it makes you sneeze, huh. I imagine it would. It has some other uses, though? You can chew it? Or put it in a pipe. Or you can shred it up and put it on a piece of paper, and roll it up -- don't tell me, Walt, don't tell me -- you stick in your ear, right Walt? Oh, between your lips! Then what do you do to it? You set fire to it! Then what do you do, Walt? You inhale the smoke!
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