IOC President Jacques Rogge said Thursday the Olympics has not closed the door on baseball for good, but that the major leagues need to take an even tougher stance on doping and make their star players available for selection if the sport has any chance of being welcomed back to the fold.

News photoIOC President Jacques Rogge speaks at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo on Thursday. In a wide-ranging discussion Rogge talked about the possibility of baseball being let back into the Olympics, the IOC's plan to unify the North Korea and South Korea teams and Tokyo's 2016 Olympic bid. AP PHOTO

"I have just had a meeting with the president of the Japanese Baseball Federation (Masatake) Matsuda and also with the president of the Japanese Professional League. I said to the two gentlemen that baseball can come back if they (the MLB) would address some issues," Rogge said at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo.