Yokozuna Asashoryu came within one win of clinching his 17th career title after yet another flawless performance on the 13th day of the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament on Friday.

News photoYokozuna Asashoryu muscles out ozeki Kaio on Friday to maintain his perfect record at the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament. KYODO PHOTO

Asashoryu (13-0) showed off his arsenal of offensive skills against veteran ozeki Kaio (8-5) in maintaining his perfect record after ozeki Hakuho and rank-and-filer Tamanoshima delayed his title celebrations with their 11th wins at Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium.

Asashoryu got his left hand onto the belt of Tochiazuma moments after the faceoff and knocked the burly ozeki off-balance with a right-hand sweep of his left leg and then with a slap-down attempt while shoving forward in relentless fashion.