Russian rank-and-filer Roho was suspended Sunday after losing his temper and attacking two photographers the previous day at the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament, the Japan Sumo Association said.

Roho, a No. 3 maegashira, will miss three days of the competition from the eighth day of action for smacking a Mainichi Shimbun photographer, leaving him with a bruise on his face requiring minor treatment. He also hit a Chunichi Shimbun photographer in the face, but the photographer was not hurt.

The JSA also said Roho's stable elder Otake will receive a 10 percent pay cut for three months because of his charge's outburst. It is the first time a wrestler has been suspended for such behavior.

Roho, 26, was shoved into the ringside seats by ozeki Chiyotaikai on Saturday.

Both wrestlers exchanged words and glared at each other after the match was over.

Still heated, Roho smashed a bathroom glass window on his way back to the dressing room and after receiving a reprimand from the JSA judging committee, proceeded to attack the photographers who were trying to take his photo.

Exactly what triggered the exchange is unclear, but both Roho and Chiyotaikai received warnings from JSA Chairman Kitanoumi.

Roho will forfeit his bout against Tochiazuma on Sunday and have two rest days.