KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany -- The Japanese are long gone from the competition, but there is plenty for football to be played.

Many Japan fans may have picked England as their "other" team to support, but because Sven-Goran Eriksson's men are doing their best to bore their fans to death it might be an idea to run the rule over the other teams.

One way of choosing which team to root for is to pick one whose style of play you prefer, players you like (football and/or looks wise!) or a coach you admire.

And if you still can't decide you may want to check out this Web site: www.wdm.org.uk/whoshouldicheerfor/

Here, countries are rated on the level of income inequality, carbon emissions and health spending, among other things.

You may choose to cheer for the team with the lowest life expectancy or lowest average national income, or jeer the country that spends the most on weapons or is the most corrupt.

Not sure how much this has got to do with sport, but you can make your own mind up.

You may not be surprised to read that the United States was the least supportable club at the tournament and Ghana the most supportable.

If you have picked Brazil as your "other" team, then what better than getting your own Brazilian name, too.

Check out the following Web site: www.minimalsworld.net/BrazilName/brazilian.shtml

Just type in your name, select your number and you instantly get a name to rival that of legends Ronaldinho, Pele, Jarzinho, Tostao and, of course, Japan's departing national team coach Zico.