Softbank Hawks team representative Masashi Tsunoda said Tuesday that infielder Julio Zuleta, who has been slapped with a 10-game suspension for letting his temper flare in a game early this week, will be fined 1 million yen and be forced to take part in community service at the end of the season.

The punishment is in addition to a 10-game suspension and 300,000 yen fine Zuleta received a day earlier from the Pacific League.

"He disappointed the fans and really caused trouble for our team," said Tsunoda, in explaining the reason for the harsh action.

Zuleta went on a rampage in a game against the Nippon Ham Fighters on Sunday, charging the mound and tackling starter Satoru Kanemura after the right-hander hit him with a pitch. The Panamanian rained punches down on Kanemura while other players tried to restrain him and was ejected for his sixth time in Japan.