The Japan Sumo Association finalized plans Monday for a five-day training tour of Taiwan in August.

Sumo wrestlers will visit Taiwan Aug. 17-21, including two days of exhibitions in Taipei on Aug. 19-20, on the first trip of its kind to Taiwan since the end of World War II. The association is still considering the possibility of arranging a similar tour of Ulan Bator, Mongolia, in late July or early August.

"Things are moving forward positively for the Mongolia tour," said Takeo Oshima, a JSA director in charge of training tours.

But JSA Chairman Kitanoumi remained cautious about the plan, which would have wrestlers making two overseas trips between tournaments with only a short interval.

"We have to clear various hurdles one at a time," he said.

If it materializes, the tour will be the first to Mongolia in sumo history.