Mongolian grand champion Asashoryu toppled injury-hit Futeno on Sunday to stay in the lead with his eighth straight victory at the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament.

News photoOzeki Kaio forces second-ranked maegashira Kakizoe out of the ring on the eighth day of the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament at Fukuoka Kokusai Center.

Bulgarian sekiwake Kotooshu, meanwhile, bounced back from a defeat a day earlier with a one-sided victory over Iwakiyama to stay two behind the leader at the 15-day meet.

Asashoryu, who is aiming for an unprecedented seventh straight victory, moved quickly in for the kill and sent the second-ranked maegashira to the clay with a powerful outer-leg trip to improve to 8-0 in the day's final bout at Fukuoka Kokusai Center. Futeno, who pulled out of the tournament with an ankle injury but returned after four rest days, fell to his fourth defeat.